Bhargav Patel
3 min readNov 26, 2020



Welcome, we are here to give a brief introduction and share our experience regarding one of our second-semester project. We are presently pursuing a bachelor of computer science at Bennett University. We are a team of three working on an innovative project which was a web portal for registering public grievances which are focused on citizen interests. The reason why we have opted this project is that during this pandemic crisis, there were a lot of issues popping out from different parts of the country on various subject matters. Another hand, the government sectors are trying their best to battle the pandemic crisis and maintain the nation up at the same time. The government departments are focusing on a lot of grievances and trying their best to solve them. But some of the grievances were not getting reported to the government departments on time. As everyone is busy with their hectic schedule so, they were less time available to pay attention to minor issues and report them to the government departments, which in future develops into significant problems. If the problem is brought up, in the earlier stages to the government departments, then it would solve the grievance with less effort and, it would reduce the burden to the departments.

Objectives and Features Achieved

We had built our project using HTML, CSS, BOOTSTRAP, are used to design a significant part of the frontend designs and, PHP is used to develop a notable portion of the backend. Presently we had built a login interface for both users and an admin. The users who got registered in the site can lodge a complaint, edit his profile, and can also have a view of the history of complaints lodged by him. The users are also provided, with a dashboard which shows them the status of their complaints. The user can also attach a file regarding the complaint in the form. Now coming to the admin page, we had designed only single admin who can have an overview of the complaints lodged by different users and the users who got registered on the site, can change the password for admin login. The admin also has the power to add or drop categories, sub-categories and states which were in the complaint registration form. The admin can update the status of the complaints with a remark to the user who lodged it.

Future work and Improvements Required

In the upcoming semesters, we are thinking of developing a chatbot feature in the project. We will make the website online. We may deploy multiple windows that update the users about the recently solved, reported complaints from their locality. We may also develop the complaint form with better interfaces and features.

Snap-Shots Of the Project

Home Page

User Sign-In Page

User Dashboard Interface



Bhargav Patel
Bhargav Patel

Written by Bhargav Patel

Student at Bennett Unviersity. Pursuing

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